I typically like to take some time out from the last week of the year to do some personal reflections and think about what I have learnt. This helps me to see whether I am still moving in the general direction that I have set for myself at the start of the year, and whether I managed to prioritise the values that are important to me.
My personal mantra at the beginning of 2024 was Courageous Adventure, and looking back now I think it has largely played out in my life this year. I wanted to be intentional in being bold to try out new things and experiences, and I am thankful that there were several opportunities to do so. Some of my favourite accomplishments include: 1. Coordinating a FinLit workshop for my colleagues and arranging for Sudhan whom I had only met 2 months ago to come in as the guest speaker.
2. Having the opportunity to be part of a panel and share my investing journey with the Diligence community, which is run by my friend Willie. You can check out his blog here.
3. Bringing my colleague's family consisting of 3 generations on a 7 day tour in Taipei. Thankfully, her elderly parents were quite easygoing and I managed to help them create good memories. My colleague and her children also enjoyed themselves immensely. These were experiences that created energy for me this year even though they were totally new to me. Even though there were challenges I had to resolve along the way, I thoroughly enjoyed what I got to do :) This year, I also chanced upon Sahil Bloom and his writings and enjoyed many of his articles, which often gave me new insights or perspectives. Recently, I took his Wealth Score Quiz (check out my results below) and also preordered his book, slated to be released in February 2025.
Having a framework to look at different aspects of my life gave me a clearer picture of what I could work on next, with physical and mental wealth being something I intend to revisit and focus on in 2025. Physical wealth is basically our health and vitality, while mental wealth has to do with our purpose, personal growth and ability to adapt. For more details you can check out this article.
When I made the decision to leave my job a few months back, I knew that I would be stepping into unchartered territory once again, and naturally fears of it not working out surfaced. However, between another year of stagnant growth versus trying something new which might not work out, I decided to go for the latter.
Finally, this year I compiled a series of quotes I chanced upon on IG comprising of lessons that resonated with me, and will end off this post by sharing them here.
Wishing every a most Blessed Christmas and a Happy New Year!